Modelo Cartas de Amor en Inglés con Ejemplos

¿Qué te viene a la mente cuando lees el término cartas de amor en inglés? Es posible que se te ocurran de forma inmediata sentimientos, amor, romance, honestidad, confianza y su nombre, por supuesto.

Aunque el valor de las cartas de amor escritas ha disminuido en este mundo digital, aún son importantes para algunas personas.

  1. Modelos de cartas de amor en Inglés.
    1. ¿Qué son las cartas de amor en inglés?
  2. ¿Cuál es la estructura para las cartas de amor en inglés?
    1. First paragraph / paragraph 1
    2. ¿Cuándo se deben emplear las cartas de amor?
    3. ¿Cómo hacer las cartas de amor en inglés?
    4. Tipos de carta de carta de amor en inglés.

Modelos de cartas de amor en Inglés.

After all, when it comes to expressing emotions and feelings, a piece of paper is one of the best options for you to express your feelings to someone you love very much, can't live without and someone you hope to have a future with.

Mature lovers who are deeply in love like to show it off and share it all the time. Despite the social media trends these days, short love letters can never lose their value, especially for those seeking privacy and romance in private. Here is a detailed article on short love letters if you are trying to impress your partner by sending one.

Te invitamos a leer: Cartas de Agradecimiento en Inglés

Modelos de cartas en ingles

¿Qué son las cartas de amor en inglés?

Es cuando tratas de dar a conocer y expresas tus sentimientos por alguna persona que ama mucho en forma escrita, por lo tanto se llama una carta de amor. Se pueden enviar algunas aun por correo, enviar con la ayuda de un delivery o se les puede dar físicamente.

Desde un breve y simple mensaje de amor hasta largos modelos románticos que te dejaremos en los ejemplos, puedes opinar acerca de tu amor de cualquier forma desde la ayuda de una carta de "Te amo".

Aunque las personas hoy en día emplean las plataformas de las redes sociales para transmitir sus sentimientos y el amor. Aquellos que desean mantenerse únicos optan por mandar emociones y sentimientos por escrito a quienes aman incondicional e decisivamente en las cartas de amor cortas.

¿Cuál es la estructura para las cartas de amor en inglés?

Aquí te mostraremos un modelo de estructura para las cartas de amor  ya que siendo una carta informal no posee una estructura propia:

Start / Inicio.

The standard opening letter is usually My dear...

First paragraph / paragraph 1

  • Greetings: Nice to hear from you. / It was great hearing from you. / Thanks for getting in touch. / I was really surprised to hear that... / How are things going? / How's it going? / What are you doing today?

The main part or body of the letter

  • Breaking News: Listen, did I tell you about...? / You'll never believe what... Good news about... / I'm glad to hear that... / I'm sorry to hear that... / I'm sorry to hear from your letter that...
  • Apologies: I'm writing to apologize for... But I'm scared... / I'm really sorry...
  • Invitation: Would you like to come/go see... with me over the weekend? I was wondering if you would like to come on vacation/go to the movies with me?
  • Acknowledgment / Thank you: I am writing to thank you for your hospitality / the wonderful gift. It was very kind of you to invite me to stay with you.
  • The end of the paragraph / the final paragraph: Send greetings and / or refer for future contacts. See you later my love / greetings to... / I leave you my love and greetings... I can't wait to hear from you. / I hope to see you again. / Looking forward to hearing from you. / Hope to hear from you soon. /See you soon. / Write soon.
  • Sign / Sign off; Love, / Much love, / All the best, / Take care, / Best wishes, / Best regards, / All my love, / All the best, / Much love, / See you soon, / With love and best wishes, / With love for you.

¿Cuándo se deben emplear las cartas de amor?

Love letters are often written to capture your feelings and emotions that come straight from your heart.

When you love someone very much, you don't think about what you write. Positive thoughts and loving emotions come naturally to you and all you need to do is grab a piece of paper and write down the feelings.

Aquí puedes descargar Modelo Cartas De Amor En Inglés

¿Cómo hacer las cartas de amor en inglés?

Escribir las cartas de amor puede llegar a ser un poco aburrido. ¡Qué tal si le sumas cosas en ellas para hacerlas más vivas! Aquí hay algunas ideas para que tu carta de amor suene mucho más interesante para tu pareja.

  • You can add little details to the letter, such as adding perfume, hearts, pictures, and generally making it look crafty, to make it seem more meaningful. Your partner will feel more appreciated and attracted to the letter if you have worked hard to write and design it.
  • If you are missing words, that's okay. You don't need to worry about it. You can always add quotes in your letter, but make sure it matches your sentiments. Choose a quote that expresses your feelings and reminds you in some way that is related to your memories.
  • You never have to worry about length; just write what you want to say to your partner, even if it takes more than five pages. Of course, your genuine partner will love it when it is written by their soul mate.
  • When you write a love letter to your loved one, you shouldn't worry about how it looks, especially if you have bad handwriting. Sincere lovers always appreciate the effort you put into writing a letter; they don't judge your handwriting.
  • At the end of the love letter, you can always add about exchanging short love letters with your partner. In fact, you can ask them to make it a ritual, especially if you're in a long-distance relationship. This can be a great idea to feel your partner in his absence.

Tipos de carta de carta de amor en inglés.

Aquí te describimos una breve reseña de las diferentes clases de cartas de amor que existen:

  • Love letters for when there are things left unsaid: The first tip is to write a letter that says all the things you still want to talk about but can never say. If you have trouble sharing your emotions, this is the perfect letter for you. Just start writing down all the things that you see in your partner and admire, write down all the little things that make you love and that you want to spend time together. If you start bringing out the things you never share, you'll show your partner a whole new side of you and could help deepen your relationship. Bringing things out that you never really share is an amazing way to show your loved one how important they are in your life.
  • Love letters for the things you always say: This is the type of love letter you should consider writing with the words you always share. If you write your everyday words for your loved one to see and they can glance over during the day or night when the two of you are apart and remind them how much you care.
  • Love letters with poetry: Poetry has been around as long as the love letter, and it has made many famous people through the centuries. While you may not be the next Shakespeare, your lover will be really impressed that you really thought of creating something especially for hers.
  • Love letters with song lyrics: This method is again for those who are very creative. If you love music, you could really impress your loved one by writing a song for them. You can write a whole new song or just write new lyrics for a song that is your loved one's favorite.
  • Humorous Love Letters: Many people have a relationship fueled by sarcastic wit and humor. Are you in one of these relationships? You'll know if you are, and you can consider writing a fun love letter. You can be really funny and still convey your feelings.

Te puede interesar leer: Vocabulario: Sentimientos y Emociones en Inglés + Ejercicios

Jennifer Herrera

Profesora de Inglés licenciada por la Universidad Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador. Tengo Experiencia en Educación del Idioma Inglés para niños y adultos y he escrito más de 500 lecciones para Inglesfull

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